If Someone Had Known

If Someone Had Known is a 1995 American television drama film based on a true story, directed by Eric Laneuville. Although the film received no critical acclaim, Kellie Martin was praised for her believable performance. Writers Alan Landsburg, Susan Cuscuna and Michael Petryni received the Christopher Award for their teleplay. Originally aired on NBC, the film is nowadays frequently reaired on Lifetime and sister channel Lifetime Movie Network.

Soon, Katie finds out that Jimmy is not the perfect man he comes off as. He starts to show violent behavior, pushing and hitting her. Apologizing afterwards makes Katie forgive him every time. After this happens regularly for two straight years, her older sister Sharon notices bruises on her skin. Katie admits the truth about Jimmys abuse, but begs Sharon not to reveal the violence. Sharon makes Katie promise to tell her if Jimmy beats her again. By the time she is pregnant with her second child, his aggressive behavior has worsened and he has also begun to hit their son Jamie. Desperate, Katie admits to her mother Ellen that she is a victim of domestic violence and that Jimmy isnt treating her right. Ellen convinces her daughter to leave Jimmy, but Jimmy is not willing to let go of his wife and beats her up severely for trying to leave him. When he threatens to shoot her, she defends herself by killing him with the gun.Katie is arrested and admits to her lawyer that she is guilty, although claiming that she still loves her husband. Jack is shocked to find out she was abused and has trouble accepting that she did not turn to him with her problemsimplying how it could have saved her from the abuse. He tries to discourage her from taking the case to trial, explaining she could be sentenced for life. Katie thinks she stands a chance, though, wanting to show the jury that she was abused. She also starts to realize that Jack treats Ellen very badly, and confronts him with it. She also points out that she never came to him about the abuse in fear he would become overprotective of her in the future. Realizing that it is the truth, Jack tries to better his life and apologizes to her. In a later scene, he has a possible domestic violence perpetrator arrested, despite Jacks friendship with the man. ........

Source: Wikipedia